Despite winning the first match, India's batting order was rocked in the second match. Harmanpreet Kaur's innings ended with just 130 runs after losing 8 wickets on Sunday. Ajira lost 4 wickets with one over left and picked up the necessary runs to win.
India's batting order ultimately failed in the second match. Due to which the girls of Team India had to lose the match on this day. Batting first on this day, Harmanpreet Kaur's innings ended with just 130 runs. Australia picked up the runs needed to win with one over to spare. Ajira leveled the series by winning the match by 6 wickets.
After the match, Indian captain Harmanpreet Kaur blamed the team's batting failure. However, despite losing the match, he credited the fight of the bowlers. Harmon claims, 'I think the score on the board was not enough. But our bowlers have done really well. We managed to drag the match to 19 overs with less capital. That was the biggest positive aspect of this match.
"In the first match, we set the standard," he added. We have to maintain this streak in these games. Good display of fielding. They have to give their best in the final match. If we bat first, good fielding will make a huge difference for us. This is what we need to do. This young team looks really positive and hopefully, the youngsters will continue to improve with experience.”