In the afternoon after eating, have a slice of amla; it will work like magic.

Amla benefits: Amla's nutritional properties protect us from many diseases. Amla can be included in various ways in the diet. Its juice, murabba, pickle, or raw form are beneficial for the body. Ayurveda also considers amla beneficial. It contains vitamin C, which boosts immunity and metabolism. Besides, amla prevents viral and bacterial infections apart from cold and cough.

Health tips : Eating amla anytime during the year has immense benefits. Just as it provides protection against various diseases, it also enhances immunity. Amla is very beneficial for health. It contains all the essential minerals and vitamins necessary for our health. Its nutrients protect us from many diseases. Amla can be included in various ways in the diet. Its juice, murabba, pickle, or raw form are beneficial for the body. Ayurveda also considers amla beneficial.

Vitamin content in amla:

It contains vitamin C, which boosts immunity and metabolism. Besides, amla prevents viral and bacterial infections apart from fighting against cancer cells. Amla juice maintains the balance of all bodily processes and relieves issues like wind, cough, and acidity.

Beneficial for respiratory health:

Amla, like a remedy, controls respiratory diseases alongside managing diabetes. It also keeps the digestive system healthy. Vitamin C present in it is considered good for both respiratory and immune systems.

Cholesterol control:

Regular consumption of amla juice reduces cholesterol levels and keeps the body healthy. Due to its amino acids and antioxidant content, it works effectively on cardiovascular health.

Beneficial for the liver:

All the elements that protect the liver can be found in amla. It helps in removing all toxins from the body.

For mouth ulcers:

Health experts suggest that amla juice is very beneficial for mouth ulcers alongside cough and flu. Amla can be used as an effective home remedy. Drinking a mixture of two teaspoons of amla juice and two teaspoons of honey daily can be very helpful for colds and coughs. Gargle with a mixture of one tablespoon of amla juice mixed in water to get relief from mouth ulcers.

Strengthens hair follicles:

Amla works like medicine for the hair. Our hair structure is made up of 99 percent protein. Amla contains amino acids and proteins that increase hair growth, prevent hair fall, and strengthen hair follicles.

Removes stains:

Amla juice is beneficial for the skin too. Applying amla juice soaked in a cotton ball on facial stains removes them and brings brightness to the face.

Nutritious drink:

Apart from vitamin C, amla also contains iron, calcium, and phosphorus in abundance, making it a nutritious drink.

In conclusion, incorporating a slice of amla into your daily routine can work wonders for your health. With its rich nutritional content, including vitamin C, iron, calcium, and phosphorus, amla offers a myriad of benefits ranging from boosting immunity and metabolism to protecting against various diseases. Whether consumed in the form of juice, murabba, pickle, or raw, amla proves to be a versatile and invaluable addition to one's diet. From respiratory health to cholesterol control, liver protection to hair strength, and even skincare, amla stands out as a natural remedy with numerous health benefits. So, why not enjoy the magic of amla for a healthier and happier life?

