Zinc is a mineral used by the body to fight infections and create cells, crucial for healing and DNA production. It serves as the genetic blueprint for all cells. When the body lacks zinc, it may show certain symptoms.
Zinc is utilized in the body for cell production and immune function. When there's a deficiency in zinc, the body can become unhealthy and may not be able to generate new cells. This can lead to the following symptoms:
List of symptoms
Explanation of weight loss, delayed healing time Reduced sense of taste and smell, diarrhea, loss of appetite, frequent illnesses like colds or coughs, hair loss, brittle nails, sexual health issues, impact on fetal development if a pregnant mother lacks zinc
Which foods contain zinc?
Shrimp fish is a rich source of zinc. Chicken meat and eggs are among the top sources of zinc. You can get zinc from lentils and chickpeas. Dark chocolate contains zinc. Cashews and almonds are sources of zinc.
Even though consuming excess zinc beyond requirements can pose health risks. Zinc excess interferes with copper absorption, leading to anemia. Additionally, it can cause vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, headache, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, it's advisable to seek expert advice before supplementing zinc intake.