Tamarind water aids in weight loss! If you're fighting to lose weight, learn about its benefits


Tamarind, a favourite for many due to its sour taste, brings back childhood memories of eating ripe tamarind. You’ll be amazed when you discover the benefits of tamarind water.


Imagine biting into a 'phuchka' filled with spicy mashed potatoes and tamarind water – it's like a heavenly taste. People probably enjoy tamarind water the most in phuchkas. Be it 'aloo kabli', 'nimki makha', or hot 'ghugni', the taste is incomplete without tamarind water. You'll be astonished to learn about the benefits of tamarind water, especially for those trying to lose weight. Here’s why tamarind water can be particularly useful.

Low in calories -

Tamarind water contains very few calories. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one tamarind contains about 5-6 calories. However, adding sugar or other sweeteners will increase the calorie content.

Aids digestion -

Good digestion is essential for weight loss. Research indicates that tamarind has laxative properties that aid digestion. Tamarind water can help with bloating or some stomach issues caused by poor digestion. Therefore, including tamarind water in your diet can be beneficial for staying healthy and losing weight.

Boosts metabolism -

Tamarind water plays a role in boosting metabolism. Increased metabolism means burning calories faster, which aids in the weight loss process. According to the National Institutes of Health, the flavonoids and polyphenols present in tamarind help boost metabolism.

High in fibre -

Tamarind is rich in fibre, and consuming fibre-rich foods is very good for health. Due to the high fibre content, drinking tamarind water keeps you full for a long time. It reduces the desire to eat unhealthy snacks, which indirectly simplifies the weight loss process.

Rich in antioxidants -

Tamarind contains a lot of antioxidants, which are crucial for maintaining good health. Nutritionist Lokendra Tomar states that the tartaric acid in tamarind acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants boost the metabolic rate and accelerate the weight loss process.

This article is intended for awareness purposes. While tamarind undoubtedly has many benefits, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist before incorporating tamarind water into your daily diet.












